Saturday, February 26, 2011

Garry Sims - the Director of Hope Aglow

Garry doing what he does best.
Pray for Garry. He puts in a lot of miles, and shakes hands with lots of people every day, spreading the message of freedom in Christ for the captives through Hope Aglow.

Garry is on his way to South Carolina this weekend to visit his twin brother Terry who  is in the hospital.  He was diagnosed with terminal cancer this week.

Pray for Garry, his family and especially for Terry. At times like these the body of Christ should come alongside to encourage and strengthen each other. We are all in this broken, disease infected world together until the day when Christ calls each one of us home.

Until then, we press on- trusting Christ to help us, and He does. Thanks be to God.  Garry- we are praying for you.

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